My First Time

1 Sep

You never forget your first time.

The adrenalin rush, the fear of the unknown, trying to play it cool, not to make a fool of yourself.

The first time you take your kid to the ER. Why, what did you think I’m talking about?

The drawer fell on his foot. And while we warn him over and over again to be careful of all kind of stuff, it wasn’t his fault at all. We told him to put his cup in the drawer. And he did. And it’s a new house so we are still learning where the builder took his shortcuts. I heard a boom, then I counted twenty one, twenty two, twenty three. And the screaming started. About an hour later we went to the ER. Was pretty quite there, and with a little kid it didn’t take long before they called us in.

After the X-Ray, the Dr. came. No broken bones, no serious damage. But he would like to drain the blood from the toe. I remembered that my wife once closed the car door on her finger and had a similar procedure, and did not complain about it too much. I forgot that woman are tough, and that man and children are not. So being the shitty dad that I am I told him that it’s not going to hurt. Well it hurt like a motherfucker and in addition to my wife and me, we needed four more nurses to hold him down while the Dr was doing his thing. In his despair he called for help from the only person in the room that was not a part of all of it, his younger sister who was resting comfortably in her stroller completely indifferent to the drama evolving not five feet from her.

They fell asleep on the way home, and the next day he had a booboo to show off.

You never forget your first time…

One Response to “My First Time”

  1. Menopausalmother September 3, 2012 at 11:50 am #

    My youngest of four was the one who gave us the gray hair—when he was five he fell off a swing and broke his wrist in the backyard. First visit to the ER. Over the years it was the ankle, then eventually needing a surgical pin placed in the hip (all from running at school with long jeans on and tripping over the hem despite the many times we told him not to wear the pants). Now he is on his bike racing around town every day and I’m just waiting for a phone call..see what you have to look forward to when they get older? Now he’s looking to get his driver’s license…oh HELL no!

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